Friday, February 5, 2010
Our Toy Castle
Let's face it... our girl loves her toys already and we're not anticipating the toys to disappear anytime soon! Our house now looks like a toy factory. Fortunately, Andrew has built Mackenzie's bedroom to be very toy friendly and organized. She can get everything all over the floor all she wants and then it is very easy for me to pick up and put things away at night. Her new favourite activities are pulling all of the books out of her little book cubby holes and playing with Elmo Live. Mackenzie's room usually looks 10x messier than it does in the pic below but this gives the general idea (you can see how handy the cubby holes are in the background.. not to mention the fact that they're pure fun for little miss curious):
So, bedroom = easy peasy. The current issue is the living room! Wowsers. Mackenzie loves to wake up at the ripe hour of 5am typically (I'm lucky to get a 6am day..) so we're downstairs bright and early (actually it's pretty pitch black outside as you can see by the tone of the pix below). So we need toys downstairs too! It usually ends up looking a little like this (excuse the ugly fireplace - we will be redoing this):

Our basement is not yet finished but I imagine when it is finished, we will move a lot of the toys down there and hopefully have some good toy storage options down there. But until that HUGE project is completed, what to do with our family room?? It would be nice to have some easy toy storage somewhere like in her room. I've just started browsing online and see some options that I've cut & paste below (no sources as I just google imaged quickly) but if you have any neat ideas let us know!