Thursday, February 23, 2012

BlogTalk: Personal Brand

I’ve got branding on the brain lately. What IS my brand? What do I stand for? What do I offer my readers that no one else can? I’m guessing many of you have the same questions about your own brand.

I attended the Building A Personal Brand seminar at Alt Summit featuring Camille Styles, Jasmine Star, and Cassandra Lavalle which was jam packed with great tips on how to build your brand. Here’s a few that stuck with me:

  • Find a niche and establish yourself as an expert 

  • Write a brief 4-word brand statement. Measure your projects, plans, and collaborations up against this statement to see if they fit with your brand 

  • Be creative. With your personal brand, you are the content. Make your message high-quality & compelling 

  • People choose bloggers, not blogs…Readers want to connect with you as a person, not what you do. 

  • Figure out what your assets and liabilities are. Work with people who can fill your weaknesses 

  • Create a good brand by aligning with others who can make you look good 

  • When you collaborate, you are aligning yourself with that brand. 

  • Sponsors on your site are a reflection of your personal brand. They should be in line with your aesthetic, ethics, and goals

  • Allow for evolution and growth but stick to your core characteristics 

My big takeaway was that your brand is about YOU – not about the things you do, the places you go, the way you decorate your house. If I could wrap up all those messages in one, it would be this:

I’m on my way to doing just that. This was a good start. How about you? Do you know your brand? What makes you you?
